It’s Time For A New Reformation – Accusations Against The Church
Abortion – The church has failed to adequately fight for and free the life of the unborn from attack and murder. Proverbs 24:11-12
Marriage – The church has capitulated with the definition of marriage and has failed to uphold God’s creation of one man and one woman. Mark 10:9
Universalism – The church has failed to proclaim and defend the truth that Jesus is the only way to God and thus the only way to salvation. 1 John 2:23
Grace – The church has failed to understand and teach the truth that sin is deceitful and discouraged in our life with God. Romans 6:1-2
Prosperity gospel – The church is guilty of teaching only prosperity and blessings at the exclusion of the cross of Christ. Matthew 16:24-26
Sexual Identity – The church has failed to protect and defend the identity of male and female as God created them. Genesis 5:2
Spirituality – The church has prostituted itself to seek after feelings excluding truth and spirituality excluding God’s Word. Colossians 2:8
Obedience – The church has failed to take seriously God’s commandments and His desire for us to live obedient lives dedicated to Him and His purposes. Romans 12:1
Word of God – The church has corrupted the Word of God by denying its inspiration and authority in the life of the church and its people. 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Oppressing the Poor – The church has profited and grown at the expense of the poor and the oppressed. Proverbs 31:8-9
Politics – The church has practiced syncretism in its worship of God by aligning itself with political candidates instead of speaking authoritatively to them. 2 Kings 17:32-33
Idolatry – The church is guilty of worshiping leaders and teachers instead of loving the Lord your God and serving Him only. Deuteronomy 6:4-5
Sin – The church and its leaders are guilty of defaming the name of God by their involvements in sin and debauchery. 2 Peter 3:14
Racism – The church is guilty of caring more about itself than with the causes of justice and righteousness where favoritism is accepted and ignored. Galatian 3:28
Judgment – The church is guilty of blaming its problems on the lost and broken world instead of fighting to redeem it and the people of it. 1 Corinthians 5:12-13
Salt & Light - The church has failed to be a positive influence in the community and world beyond its own walls. Matthew 5:13-16